I’ve been trying to find a few moments since our return from Africa to update you on the success of our eye clinics, and I’m thrilled to share that your program worked incredibly well! We were able to conduct two eye clinics in conjunction with both a medical and a veterinary clinic. The glasses were perfectly labeled and organized, and the refractors worked great! We felt very well-trained, and once we got into the rhythm, we were able to quickly and accurately assess prescriptions. We also had a visual aid featuring John 3:16, an image of Calvary, and an empty tomb, all translated into Wolof, which we were able to give to every patient. The greatest victory, however, is that we were able to leave the remaining 1,800 pairs of glasses and 4 refractor kits with the local church planting agency, Mission Inter Senegal. We also trained several of their interpreters on how to use the refractors, enabling them to reach many villages with the Eye Doc in a Box system! Our lead pastor joined us on this trip, and he shared that from now on, every international trip we take will include an eye clinic! Thank you for your ministry, and a special thanks to Dr. Curtis for your thorough training. We look forward to continuing to work with you in the future! God bless you and your ministry!

Thank you so much for your help and support for our eyeglass ministry to Portugal…We couldn't be happier with the outcome of the Eyeglass Ministry. On the last day of the five clinic days an optometrist from Italy and his wife joined us and saw multiple patients and planned to see patients the next day with our supply of glasses that we would leave them…We are really thrilled to see all the glasses that we had go to use in Portugal…everyone was pleased with the system we received from Eye Doc in a Box. By God's grace we are planning a trip to Ecuador hopefully twice in 2025 and we will utilize your system for those trips. Thanks again for all your help we are so glad we met you.

Seeing the joy on people's faces as they received glasses and could finally see clearly was unforgettable. It reminded me how small acts of kindness can change lives in powerful ways.

We just returned from Ethiopia and the vision ministry was a huge success. I don't have a compilation yet of everyone we saw, but our volunteer team hit it out of the park. It was thrilling to be able to minister in such a powerful way.

We would like to thank Eye Doc in a Box for the great support in helping our church to provide over 300 pair of glasses to a church we support in Brazil. The Eye Doc in a Box team was such a wonderful help with training, support, and information. We had 8 of our church members including several elders and deacons that made the trip. What a joy. Eye Doc In A Box is the complete package. When we contacted the church in Brazil and shared the ideal of making it possible for 200 of their church and community members to be able to see, to read, or see to drive or even see across the street, they said please bring them. In just two days they had 200 appointments for glasses set up and asked if it would be possible to get more. We called Eye Doc in a Box and they sent the needed glasses just in time to get on the plane to Brazil. We would highly recommend this as a great mission work for Christ. The ability to be able to read for the first time in maybe 10 or 20 years, or to be able to see the leaves in the trees blow in the wind - Wow!! This was used for a seed planting ministry in our case. The church has all the information on each person that attended and were all invited to the conference that weekend. Again what a blessing. Thank you Eye Doc in A Box.

Our friend Ricardo served in counselling and evangelism and told us that the last person that came through his counselling station was a well-dressed woman. He admitted that he had thought to himself that this woman probably wouldn't accept what he had to say. She didn't seem to be a person who had many needs. But he talked with her and she allowed him to present the message of the gospel to her. He told us that after he shared with her she didn't say anything and just began to cry. After a bit she told Ricardo that she had never heard the gospel presented clearly and that she understood it now. She prayed with him to accept Christ as her Lord and Savior.

“We had an amazing experience! Everyone is excited to go back next year! We feel the clinic went smoothly and thankful to have helped so many people.”

Larry and Milynn, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for turning me on to your incredible ministry ‘Eye Doc in a Box’. After participating for many years in worldwide mission trips involving mostly ‘building efforts’, I thought that my days of mixing concrete and building block walls on the mission field were primarily over. Discovering what Dr Curtis had started, and what you guys were so enthusiastically leading, has created a whole new and fulfilling mission opportunity for me and others in our congregation to pursue. Your ministry is addressing one of the most important physical needs that I now realize exists in areas where our church has projects, allowing us to bring the ‘gift of sight’ to the folks there, as well as in surrounding communities. It totally complements the medical and construction teams that we’ve been blessed to deploy. I was simply amazed how, with minimal training (that you guys so graciously provided…) and hardware, that our ‘vision team’ was recently able to enhance the lives of so many people in less than a week. The myriad of smiles and excitement folks displayed having been given a simple pair of glasses that allowed them to see clearly, many for the first time in their lives, was indeed heartwarming…and life changing! Coupled with the opportunity to witness and share the gospel, even leading some folks to Christ, was indeed a great privilege! On behalf of our team, thank you again for creating yet another opportunity for our folks to be HIS hands and feet.

Dr. Curtis, I just wanted to send an email and share a little with you about our mission trip to Niger, Africa. In the eye clinic we saw 1,000 patients in 7 days!! Beth, Kent, and myself refracted the patients and Shelia along with some local missionaries fitted the Nigerians with the glasses. We had a great experience and we saw lots of conjunctivitis and cataracts. We even had a boy come in who was blind in one eye and with the other eye he couldn’t even see food on a plate that was right in front of him. Through prayer and God’s help, we were able to give him a pair of glasses that allowed him to see out of the one eye. I wanted to make sure he could see so I borrowed a coin from a lady and dropped it on the ground. He was able to walk over and pick up the coin from the ground! It brought tears to our eyes and joy in our hearts to know that we had changed his life forever! The Nigerians were so happy that we were able to give them the gift of sight. After we finished with the patients, we sent them to the local pastors so that they may pray with them and get their information that allows them to follow up with them. However, I was blessed enough to have a conversation with the lady pictured below and she accepted Christ right there with us!! So cool!! We are so thankful to you for teaching us the skills to be able to refract these people or give them medication to heal the infections. Your seminar definitely has equipped us and prepared us to be able to give these people their sight back. This was our second year having the eye clinic and it overflows our hearts with joy as we see the looks on the Nigerians faces and the hugs we receive from them are priceless!! God used us in many ways and I just wanted to share a few of those with you. Thank you again for your obedience to Him and your passion to continue to spur us on to go on these trips and give the gift of sight and the gift of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ to people all over the world! May God continue to bless you, your family, and your business abundantly!! For His Glory,

I have made seven short term mission trips to India. In those seven years I have tried various ministries such as: Pastor’s conference, evangelistic crusades, children’s vacation Bible school but by far the most effective evangelistic tool I have found is the Eye care clinics. Dr. David Curtis came to Arizona and trained a group of us to do this ministry. We found that the brief training prepared us for our eye care mission trip. Since then we have taught new mission team members in these concepts. Dr. Curtis has been a great coach and mentor to us. Our church has used the eye care clinic for the past three mission trips and we are convinced that it is by far the most effective tool for reaching people for Jesus that we have found. The eye care clinic is a compassionate servanthood evangelism project that draws all people to receive eye exams and free glasses. We have found it to be far less expensive to do the eye care ministry than the evangelistic crusades. It is more personal in the sense that every patient is talked to about Jesus and is prayed for. The indigenous church planters have testified to the effectiveness of our eye care ministry. They tell us that the eye care ministry has opened doors with the community leaders. It has created a bridge of opportunity for the local pastors to been seen as community helpers.

David, First I want to thank you for the wonderful ministry you've introduced me to. I went to Peru in August where a team of church leaders from Iquitos took us down-river to 7 different villages to work with the people they are discipling. We examined around 300 people, gave out 283 pairs of eyeglasses, and I saw 2 men pray to receive Christ as well as several skeptics deeply moved by the free grace this team offers. I trained one of the local Pastors how to do the exams and others how to interview and dispense the eyeglasses. I left about 800 pair of eyeglasses and both of my sets of paddles. They are working with 9 other villages and that is continually growing, plus they often do evangelistic outreach in Iquitos as well.